User's Manual

User Manual
At the dialing Keboard ,enter the phone number,and then click the dialing key , after that,you should
choose one SIM card or internet call. If needed to call the extension,you could click the “dial pad” in the
bottom of the screen to open the interface or press menu key to select “delay 2 seconds”,and then enter the
number of the extension.
The dialup keyboard input number, click Menu can IP dial-up or speed dial
Video call: video call usually refers to the Internet and mobile Internet based on (3 G Internet) end, through
the phone between the speech of the real-time transmission and image (user of bust, photographs, items, etc.)
of a way to communicate. Only 3 G to support this function. Input a number click video dial-up, each other
answers the phone after both can through camera for video calls.
Telephone calls in the call log