User Manual

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New Installations:
1. Is your equipment plugged in and turned “on” at both ends.
2. Have you installed the right protector for the application?
3. Are all cables firmly attached?
4. Does the system work if the protector is bypassed? If the system
operates when the protector is bypassed and or you have ruled out
all of the above, please contact Moxa Technical Support.
Existing Installations:
1. Check to see if your equipment is turned on.
2. Inspect all connections.
3. Remove and bypass all protection devices on that line and verify
proper operation.
If the system comes back on line without the protectors installed, chances
are one or all of the protectors have been damaged by an excessive surge.
Replace the surge protectors as soon as possible with new protectors. It is
not advisable to operate your system with protection devices removed.