User`s manual

VPort CGI Commands VPort Set/Get Configuration CGI URL and Parameter Items
VPort 251/351/25 items
Item Action Value Description
text G/S Max 14 char (ExtensiveString) Information about the video
imprinttimestamp G/S 0: Not Shown
1: Shown in the caption
2: Shown in the image
The location of the shown video
codectype G/S 1,[1,1,(1,1)]: MPEG4
1,[1,1,(1,2)]: MJPEG
Video codec type selection
size G/S 1: 720x480(NTSC), 720x576(PAL)
2: 640x480(NTSC), 640x576(PAL)
3: 352x240(NTSC), 352x288(PAL)
4: 320x240(NTSC), 320x288(PAL)
5: 704x480(NTSC), 704x576(PAL)
Video resolution
maxframe G/S 1: 1 (NTSC), 1(PAL)
2: 3(NTSC), 3(PAL)
3: 10(NTSC), 8(PAL)
4: 15(NTSC), 12(PAL)
5: 30(NTSC), 25(PAL)
Maximum frame rate (fps)
keyinterval G/S 5, 13, 30, 60, 90 Key frame interval
bitrate G/S 20: B1 Kbps
40: B2 Kbps
60: B3 Kbps
80: B4 Kbps
100: B5 Kbps
120: B6 Kbps
140: B7 Kbps
160: B8 Kbps
180: B9 Kbps
*Refer to the “VPort 251/351/25
Bit-rate mapping” table for exact
Kbps values
Fixed bit rate selection:
The B1 to B9 values are different for
different video resolutions. The
values are listed in the table below.
quant G/S 13: Medium
11: Standard
8: Good
6: Detailed
4: Excellent
Video quality
quality G/S 1: Fixed bit rate
2: Fixed quality
Video quality type.
This item only works with MPEG4.
MJPEG does not support this setting.
modulation G/S 0: Auto (auto detection)
2: PAL
Select video input modulation format
For this item, the VPort 25 is
actualmodulation G 1: NTSC
2: PAL
Auto detection result of video input
modulation format