User Manual

the internal buffer. NPort 5200 transmits data stored in the buffer via TCP/IP, but only if the
internal buffer is full or if the Force transmit time interval reaches the time specified under
Force transmit timeout.
The optimal Force transmit timeout depends on your application, but it must be at least larger
than one character interval within the specified baud rate. For example, assume that the serial
port is set to 1200 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. In this case, the total number of
bits needed to send a character is 10 bits, and the time required to transfer one character is
( 10 (bits) / 1200 (bits/s) ) * 1000 (ms/s) = 8.3 ms.
Therefore, you should set Force transmit timeout to be larger than 8.3 ms, so in this case, it
must be greater than or equal to 10 ms.
If the user wants to send a series of characters in the same packet, the serial device attached
to NPort 5200 should send that series of characters during a time interval less than the Force
transmit timeout for NPort 5200, and the total length of data must be less than or equal to
NPort 5200’s internal buffer size. The serial communication buffer size for NPort 5200 is 1
KB per port.
Local TCP port
Setting Factory Default Necessity
1 to 65535 4001 Required
The”Local TCP port” is the TCP port that NPort 5200 uses to listen to connections, and that
other devices must use to contact NPort 5200. To avoid conflicts with well known TCP ports,
the default is set to 4001.
Command port
Setting Factory Default Necessity
1 to 65535 966 Optional
The “Command port” is a listen TCP port for IP-Serial Lib commands from the host. In order
to prevent a TCP port conflict with other applications, the user can set the Command port to
another port if needed. IP-Serial Lib will automatically check the Command Port on NPort
5200 so that the user does not need to configure the program.