User Manual

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For RedHat AS/ES/WS and Fedora Core1, extra
argument is needed:
# /tmp/moxa/mxinst SP1
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
g. The shell script will install the driver files automatically.
After installing driver successfully, you can see the
several files in /usr/lib/npreal2/driver, inlcuding
- mxaddsvr (Add Server, mapping tty port)
- mxdelsvr (Delete Server, un-mapping tty port)
- mxloadsvr (Reload Server)
- mxmknod (Create device node/tty port)
- mxrmnod (Remove device node/tty port)
- mxuninst (Remove tty port and driver files)
Now you are ready to map NPort serial port into system tty port.
Please see "4.Mapping TTY Ports".
4. Mapping TTY Ports
Before mapping tty ports, you have to set the operation mode of
your NPort Product to "Real Com Mode". We provide two ways to map
tty ports.
Mapping tty ports automatically
After logging in as a super user, you can enter the directory
"/usr/lib/npreal2/driver" and then execute "mxaddsvr" program
to map the target NPort serial port to host tty ports.
The syntax of mxaddsvr is:
"mxaddsvr [NPort IP Address] [Total Ports] ([Data port] [Cmd port])"
For example1:
# cd /usr/lib/npreal2/driver