User Manual

# ./mxaddsvr 16
For example2:
# cd /usr/lib/npreal2/driver
# ./mxaddsvr 16 4001 966
In example1, 16 tty ports will be added with ip "" and
data port(950, 951, ...965), command port(966, 967, 968.., 981).
In example2, 16 tty ports will be added with ip "" and
data port(4001, 4002, ..4016), command port(966, 967, 968.., 981).
The following actions will be performed.
- Modify the ""
- Create tty ports in directory "/dev" with major & minor number
configured in "".
- Stop and then restart the driver.
5. Remove Mapped TTY ports
Similar to "Mapping TTY Ports", we provide two ways:
Remove the mapped tty ports automatically
After logging in as root, you can enter the directory
"/usr/lib/npreal2/driver" and then execute "mxdelsvr"
program to delete a server. The syntax of mxdelsvr is
"mxdelsvr [IP]", For example:
# cd /usr/lib/npreal2/driver
# ./mxdelsvr
If you don't provide the IP address in the command line, the
program will list the installed servers and total ports on screen.
So you can only choose the index on the installed server list to delete.
The following actions will be performed.
- Modify the ""
- Remove the relevant tty ports in directory "/dev"