Operation Manual

A).Press to submenu: it includes NOW Playing, Dir list and Tag list. Then press Dir
list to choose the video files. Press the video file to the playing interface,
B) Sub-menu under stop status:(Under playing status with video, press [ENTER] button
to stop playing.
Press to Bluetooth submenu. Next Select “Bluetooth icon, then select “Bluetooth
status “to ON. At last select “Device search”. It will spend few seconds to search the BT
device. Once searching finished, select “Device list” that shows the available connected
Bluetooth device. Then select the BT device name, select “Bluetooth Connecting”. It will
show “Bluetooth Device connected”.
If the user want to disconnected the Bluetooth device, select “Bluetooth Devices
Connected” icon, it will show “Bluetooth Disconnected”, press it, then it will disconnect the
Pls note: BT24WOM can connect to Bluetooth headphone or Bluetooth speaker.
Press to select and enter into Record mode in main menu, then press [ENTER]
button to start recording.
In recorder interface, press to submenu including: Record Format, Record Quality,
Record Gain, Record Mode and Save path.
After setting, press [ENTER] button to start recording.
1: During recording, press [ENTER] button to stop or continue recording
2: When recording, press , it will remark: Stop recording”- “Yes” or “No”. Select “Yes”
to save the current recorded file.