User's Guide

MP280B User’s Guide
immediately communicate with the new transmit power. If the command format is
incorrect, it will return:
Note: This parameter is not saved when it is powered down.
4.13 RSSI signal strength output
Input the following string to the serial port RX to enable the RSSI signal strength
output with an interval of 1 second.
Enter the following string into the serial port RX to turn off the RSSI signal strength
After the setting is successful, the TX pin receives "TTM:OK\r\n\0" to confirm. If
the command format is incorrect, it will return:
If the RSSI output function is turned on, the RSSI signal strength string is printed
once every 1 second.
"TTM: RSI-xx\r\n\0" (for example, if the RSSI is -63dBm, the printed character is
Note: This parameter is not saved when power is off, and the RSSI output is
automatically turned off after the connection is disconnected.
4.14 RTC settings and acquisition
Enter the following string into the serial port RX to set the RTC time. The format is 4
digits for the year, and 2 digits for each month, day, hour, minute, and second.
For example, if you set the character to be entered at 3:4:5 on January 2, 2017,
After the setting is successful, the TX pin receives "TTM:OK\r\n\0" to confirm. If
the command format is incorrect, it will return:
Enter the following string into the serial port RX to get the current system time.
After the setting is successful, the TX pin receives
"TTM:RTC-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\n\0", and the format is the same as the setting RTC
If the instruction format is incorrect, it will return: "TTM:ERP\r\n\0"
Note: This parameter is not saved when power is off, and the RTC needs to be reset after
the module is powered up again.
5. Broadcast data setting