Installation Guide

Maintenance Instructions
System Status Codes
The AirTempo may display a status code if the steam system is not
functioning correctly.
CO indicates the AirTempo control has lost communication with the steam
generator. Ensure all connections are secure between the steam generator
and the transceiver
Err P
indicates an error while pairing, reset the control and redo pairing.
A complete list of steam generator status codes can be found in the MrSteam
Residential Steambath Installation Operation and Maintenance Manual.
AirTempos are factory paired, however if more than one steam system is
installed in close proximity the AirTempo controls must be paired to their
transceivers to prevent interference.
To pair AirTempo use a blunt object to press the button inside the transceiver
adjacent to the LED. Hold the button for 5 seconds, when the transceiver
is in pairing mode the LED will turn blink blue for 2 minutes.
While the transceiver LED is blinking, press and hold the button on
AirTempo for 5 seconds until the display reads PAIR.
Care Tips for AirTempo Controls and Steamheads
1. Use only mild soap and water on a soft cloth to clean
the control and steamhead.
2. Do not use abrasive cleansers
3. If the decorative cover is damaged call MrSteam
technical service for replacement parts.
To register your steam generator unit online and to review
the MrSteam Limited Lifetime Warranty please go to: