Specification Sheet

Note: This Bulletin contains only a general description of the products shown. While product uses and performance capabilities
are generally described, the products shall not, under any circumstances, be used by untrained or unqualied individuals. The
products shall not be used until the product instructions/user manual, which contains detailed information concerning the proper
use and care of the products, including any warnings or cautions, have been thoroughly read and understood. Specications are
subject to change without prior notice.
MSA operates in over 40 countries
worldwide. To nd an MSA oce near you,
please visit MSAsafety.com/oces.
Our Mission
MSA’s mission is to see to it that men and women may work in safety and that they, their families and their communities may live
in health throughout the world.
MSA—The Safety Company
Our business is safety. We’ve been the world’s leading manufacturer of
high-quality safety products since 1914. MSA products may be simple
to use and maintain, but they’re also highly-sophisticated devices
and protective gear—the result of countless R&D hours, relentless
testing and an unwavering commitment to quality that saves lives
and protects millions of hard working men and women each and
every day. Many of our most popular products integrate multiple
combinations of electronics, mechanical systems and advanced
materials to help ensure that users around the world remain protected
in even the most hazardous of situations.
0600-53-MC / 10.2020
© MSA 2020