Quick start Guide

󻙛󼧓󼞇󻮷󻪃 󻗳󺽔
󻙛󼧓󼞇󻮷󻪃 󻗳󺽔
󺇄󻞬 󻯈󻕻󻱃󼞇 www.msi.com󻰓 󻃸󻀇󼨧󻪻 󼈫󻞯 󻅓󻳓󻰧 󻯯󼟇󺹻󼞿󻬏 󺦫󺱋󻱃󻅓󺹋 󺞳󻮃󺴫󺦫 󻃞
10 󻗳󼌧󼨧󺋿
1. 󼏃󼦷󼗿󻰧 󻳓󻮟󻰓 󼏼󺞗󺞳.
2. Windows
10 󻗳󼌧 󺧣󻝳󼔻/USB󺹋 󼏃󼦷󼗿󻪟 󻖌󻱔󼨸󺞗󺞳.
3. 󼏃󼦷󼗿 󼏏󻱃󻝳󻰧 Restart 󻅓󼞋󻰓 󺛓󺹔󺞗󺞳.
4. 󼏃󼦷󼗿󺃏 POST (Power-On Self Test)󼨧󺝣 󺢨󻨗 F11 󼕳󺹋 󺛛󺲻 󻉏󼟔 󺼣󺝃󺴫 󻱃󺢨󼨸󺞗󺞳.
5. 󻉏󼟔 󺼣󺝃󻪟󻗫 Windows
10 󻗳󼌧 󺧣󻝳󼔻/USB󺹋 󻗯󼖬󼨸󺞗󺞳.
6. 󼬣󺽃󻪟 Press any key to boot from CD or DVD... 󺱋󺝣 󺼣󻘇󻺏󺃏 󺕧󼖏󺕧󺽃 󻱓󻰧󻰧 󼕳󺹋
7. 󼬣󺽃󻪟 󺕧󼖏󺕧󺝣 󻗳󺽔󻪟 󺧿󺱋 Windows® 10 󻮃󻫐 󼆃󻳫󺹋 󻗳󼌧󼨸󺞗󺞳.
󺦫󺱋󻱃󻅓 󻗳󼌧󼨧󺋿
1. Windows
10.󻮃󻫐 󼆃󻳫󻪟󻗫 󼏃󼦷󼗿󺹋 󻞫󻱠󼨸󺞗󺞳.
2. MSI
󺦫󺱋󻱃󻅓 󺧣󻝳󼔻󺹋 󺇠󼨨 󺦫󺱋󻱃󻋛󻪟 󻖌󻱔󼨸󺞗󺞳.
3. Select to choose what happens with this disc 󼟬󻪔 󻨛󺺋󻰓 󼕃󺹼󼨧󺆯, Run DVDSetup.
exe󻰓 󻗯󼖬󼨧󻪻 󻗳󼌧 󼧓󺴫󺋇󺱷󻰓 󻫌󺞗󺞳. 󻳫󻪃󼟟󻪟󻗫 󻱟󺢨 󻞳󼩘 󺋿󺝴󻰓 󼩃󻳫󼨫 󺆌󻭿󻪟󺢓
MSI 󺦫󺱋󻱃󻅓 󺧣󻝳󼔻󻰧 󺶷󼞇 󺆌󺴫󺹋 󼚄󼩃󻗫 󻛧󺢨󻰋󺴫 DVDSetup.exe󺹋 󻞳󼩘󼨯 󻛧
4. Drivers/Softwar 󼖼󻪟󻗫 󼨓󻭣󼨫 󺽷󺦯 󺦫󺱋󻱃󻅓󺹋 󼄍󻨓󺖃󺆯 󺽸󺴬󻱃 󺕧󼖏󺕸󺞗󺞳.
5. 󻯗󺢓󻭿󻰧 󼨧󺞷 󻫳󺹇󻾌 󼐣󺗗󻪟 Install 󻅓󼞋󻰓 󺛓󺹔󺞗󺞳.
6. 󺦫󺱋󻱃󻅓 󻗳󼌧󺃏 󻺓󼩘󺣸󺞗󺞳. 󻗳󼌧󺃏 󻬓󺶛󺣧󺽃 󺞳󻞫󻞫󻱠󼨧󺱋󺝣 󺼣󻞫󻺏󺃏 󺕧󼖏󺕸󺞗󺞳.
7. OK 󻅓󼞋󻰓 󺛛󺲻 󻗳󼌧󺹋 󻬓󺶛󼨸󺞗󺞳.
8. 󼏃󼦷󼗿󺹋 󺞳󻞫󻞫󻱠󼨸󺞗󺞳.
󻯯󼟇󺹻󼞿 󻗳󼌧󼨧󺋿
󻯯󼟇󺹻󼞿󺹋 󻗳󼌧󼨧󺋿 󻳓󻪟 󺦫󺱋󻱃󻅓 󻗳󼌧󺃏 󻬓󺶛󺣧󻪃󻩋 󼨸󺞗󺞳.
1. 󻯓󻪟 󻗳󺽔󺣫 󺟏󺴫 󻗳󼌧 󺇏󺹻󻱟󺹋 󻫌󺞗󺞳.
2. Utilities 󼖼󻰓 󼕃󺹼󼨸󺞗󺞳.
3. 󻗳󼌧󼨧󺳳󺝣 󻯯󼟇󺹻󼞿󺹋 󻗯󼖬󼨸󺞗󺞳.
4. 󻯗󺢓󻭿 󼨧󺞷 󻫳󺹇󻾌 󼐣󺗗󻰧 Install 󻅓󼞋󻰓 󺛓󺹔󺞗󺞳.
5. 󻯯󼟇󺹻󼞿 󻗳󼌧󺃏 󻺓󼩘󺣸󺞗󺞳. 󻗳󼌧󺃏 󻬓󺶛󺣧󺽃 󺞳󻞫󻞫󻱠󼨧󺱋󺝣 󺼣󻞫󻺏󺃏 󺕧󼖏󺕸󺞗󺞳.
6. OK 󻅓󼞋󻰓 󺛛󺲻 󻗳󼌧󺹋 󻬓󺶛󼨸󺞗󺞳.
7. 󼏃󼦷󼗿󺹋 󺞳󻞫󻞫󻱠󼨸󺞗󺞳.