Installation Guide

*You may adhere MSI’s Everlife SPC ooring in light commercial and commercial installations using MSI’s MS007 adhesive,
following directions on the pail.
Circular Saw
Safety Glasses
¼” or ½” spacers
Utility Knife
Straight Edge Ruler or T-Square
Tape Measure
If existing baseboard molding is dicult to remove, Quarter Round molding will be required to cover the
expansion space need between ooring and baseboard.
The sub oor must be at, dry, and clean. Carpet staples or any/all adhesive residue must be removed and oor
must be clean to ensure proper installation. If it is uncertain that the old adhesive residue may cause issues, you
should use an Adhesive Encapsulator.
To check for atness, hammer a nail into the center of the oor. Tie a string to the nail and push the knot against
the oor. Pull the string tight to the farthest corner of the room and examine the oor for any high/lows relative
to the string. Suboor must be at to 1/8” per 6’ (3mm per 0.92 meter). Any areas in excess of the atness
specication must be sanded down or lled with an appropriate leveler.
This product can be installed over most existing oors including wood, non-cushioned vinyl or linoleum, and
ceramic/porcelain tile if the existing ooring is intact and properly secured to the suboor. If installing over
ceramic/porcelain tile, grout lines in excess of 1/16” (0.625) must be lled with a Portland based skim
coat/oor leveler according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
When installed in rooms with direct sunlight, during the peak hours of sunlight, the use of
blinds/shades or drapes is recommended.
This product is waterproof but is not a moisture barrier. The product can withstand topical water and water
penetration for up to 16 hours without being damaged. However, water leaking over or around the outer edges
of the ooring can damage a wood suboor and breed mold/mildew growth on suboor and walls. This is not
considered a defect in the ooring.
Moisture arising from new or old concrete can create high levels of moisture vapor emissions, hydrostatic
pressure, and high levels of alkalinity. This combination is highly corrosive and will damage the oor over time.
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