User Guide

This guide is meant to get you up and running fast and
If you have WTFast preinstalled on your machine, please proceed. If you do not, please go here:
to download and install WTFast.
After you login to the client, you will be taken to the Game Select screen, the relevant section
of which is shown below.
Here you would select the desired game. In the Game field, start typing the name of your game,
and the game, if supported, will show in an auto-populated list. Click on the game, and it will
appear in the Game field.
When you see “Game configuration loaded”, which is instantaneous, the proper configuration for
using WTFast with the game has been established. Now you need to select the connection
method in Network.
In this case, we have chosen to use WTFast's Pathfinder system to auto-select the best
connection route. Now, all you need to do is click Play!, your game will launch and then you are
set to game!
In certain cases, Pathfinder may not be able to pick a good route. In this case, we provide you
the ability to manually select a server which will provide a good connection.