User Manual

3. Using the built-in trim gauge, verify the center conductor trim
length(15/16 inch: 24mm) and remove the dielectric to a depth of 1
1/4 inch(32mm) from end of outer conductor
Figure 3-11
Constructing Trunk and Distribution Coaxial Cable
4. After all dielectric and pre-coat have been removed from the center
conductor, re-check the center conductor length and trim accordingly.
Figure 3-12
Shading the tip of the center conductor
5. Make a cut halfway though and rotate the cutters 90° and complete
the cut.
6. Slide the heat shrink tubing over cable
7. Remove the outer jacket to a length 1/2 in.(12.7mm)
8. Install the back nut into the cable.
9. Remove and clean flooding material
10. Install the main nut onto the cable, as a final check on both coring
depth and center conductor length. The center conductor will
protrude 1/16” to 1/8” past the end of the main nut.
11. Make sure that the cable is fully inserted into the connector so that
the jacket butts up against the outer conductor seizing mechanism.
WLAN Cable Access Point 6220 NTPM99CA Rel 1.0 Issue 1 Oct. 2004