Safety data sheet

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10.2. Chemical stability
Chemical stability: Stable under normal conditions.
10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions
Hazardous reactions: Hazardous reactions will not occur under normal transport or storage
conditions. Decomposition may occur on exposure to conditions or materials
listed below.
10.4. Conditions to avoid
Conditions to avoid: Heat.
10.5. Incompatible materials
Materials to avoid: Strong oxidising agents. Strong acids.
10.6. Hazardous decomposition products
Haz. decomp. products: In combustion emits toxic fumes.
Section 11: Toxicological information
11.1. Information on toxicological effects
Toxicity values: No data available.
Symptoms / routes of exposure
Skin contact: There may be mild irritation at the site of contact.
Eye contact: There may be irritation and redness.
Ingestion: There may be irritation of the throat.
Inhalation: No symptoms.
Section 12: Ecological information
12.1. Toxicity
Ecotoxicity values: No data available.
12.2. Persistence and degradability
Persistence and degradability: Biodegradable.
12.3. Bioaccumulative potential
Bioaccumulative potential: No bioaccumulation potential.
12.4. Mobility in soil
Mobility: Insoluble in water. Floats on water.
12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
PBT identification: This product is not identified as a PBT/vPvB substance.
12.6. Other adverse effects
Other adverse effects: Negligible ecotoxicity.