User's Manual

SmartMeter Installation Manual
Rev 0.2 ArKion Systems – Confidential Page 1
1. Introduction
The ArKion SmartMeter is intended for indoor & outdoor use as an unattended automatic
metering Infrastructure (AMI) & control device. The SmartMeter product consists of an
ArKion AMI module fully integrated into a Landis+Gyr Focus solid state electric meter.
The SmartMeter is fully self-contained with no user accessible controls.
The SmartMeter interrogates the ANSI C.12 register set in Focus solid-state electric
meters from Landis + Gyr. It’s main function is to obtain energy consumption, negative
consumption, and voltage readings for billing, distribution monitoring, fraud detection,
and conservation purposes.
Meter reading interval is remotely settable. Information retrieved from the meters
registers are temporarily stored within the Smart Meters solid-state memory. On a
specified interval, the Smart Meter will automatically transmit this information to the
ArKion AMI server via. other meters or CCOM using the Radio Frequency (RF) network.
The ArKion AMI server analyzes and archives the readings.
The Smart Meter uses SuperCapacitors to support transmission of power failure
messages and to maintain the time of day clock. The Smart Meter does not use any
internal batteries eliminating need for field service.
The contents of this installation manual are intended for technically qualified personnel of
energy distribution utilities who have been trained and are technically qualified in basic
electrical principles, including safety procedures for installation of energy meters.
The installer should refer to the latest edition of the Landis+Gyr “FOCUS kWh Solid-State
Meter Technical Manual” for physical installation, wiring, and safety precautions.
2. Supported Products
SmartMeter high
SmartMeter low Power
Note: High and low power refer to RF output power. low power is approximately +13dbm
and high power is +30dbm Max. Other than transmit power the operation of the two
radios is identical.
The SmartMeter supports the following forms
Form Voltage Current
1S 120Vac Class 100
2S 240Vac Class 200
2Se 240Vac Class 320
3S 120 Class 10 or Class 20
3S 240 Class 10 or Class 20
4S 240 Class 10 or Class 20
12S 120Vac Class 200
3. Maintenance
There are no user serviceable items within a SmartMeter. No cleaning is required.