User's Manual

PART 2 – Embedded Wireless Modems Chapter 2 – SocketModem Cell and iCell
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Universal Socket Hardware Guide for Developers (S000342K) 54
Chapter 2 – SocketModem
Cell (MTSMC-
G2) & SocketModem
iCell (MTSMC-G2-IP)
The MTSMC-G2 is a serial to wireless quad-band GPRS SocketModem. It is a complete, ready-to-integrate SocketModem
that offers standards-based multi-band GSM/GPRS Class 10 performance. It is based on industry-standard open interfaces
and utilizes Multi-Tech’s universal socket design. The SocketModem is available with the Multi-Tech's Universal IP™ stack to
bring embedded Internet connectivity to any device.
Notes about Activation:
These units are shipped without network activation.
To connect to the wireless network, you will have to establish a wireless account. See the Wireless Activation
procedures on separate sheets included with the Developer Kit and available on the Developer Kit CD.
Product Build Options and Ordering Information
Product Description Region Order This
MTSMC-G2 Quad-band GPRS SocketModem Cell US Default
MTSMC-G2-ED Quad-band GPRS SocketModem Cell EU Default
MTSMC-G2-V Quad-band GPRS SocketModem Cell with Voice US Default
MTSMC-G2-V-ED Quad-band GPRS SocketModem Cell with Voice EU Default
MTSMC-G2-IP Quad-band GPRS SocketModem iCell with Universal IP US Default
MTSMC-G2-IP-ED Quad-band GPRS SocketModem iCell with Universal IP EU Default
Developer Kit
MTSMI-UDK Universal Developer Kit Global
How to Read the Product Codes in the Table Above:
ED European Default
V Voice (microphone and speaker)
IP Universal IP™ Stack
UDK Universal Developer Kit
Other Product Codes:
The complete product code may end in .Rx. For example, MTSMC-G2.Rx.
“R” indicates product revision. x” is the revision number.
Note: All products can be ordered in single packs or 50-packs. Single pack product codes end in SP.
AT Commands Reference Guides
Products AT Commands Reference Guide Title & Document Number Fax Commands Voice Commands
SocketModem Cell
(MTSMC-G2 and
GPRS AT Commands for Multi-Tech G2 Wireless Modems
AT Commands for Multi-Tech G2 Wireless Modems with IP
Connectivity (S000469x)
NA Included
SocketModem iCell
GPRS AT Commands for Multi-Tech G2 Wireless Modems
Universal IP Commands (S000457x)
NA Included