User Manual

ISI5634PCI/4/8 User Guide
Command: \Bn Transmit Break
Values: n = 09 in 100 ms units
Default: 3
Description: In non-error-correction mode only, sends a break signal of the specified length to a re-
mote modem. Works in conjunction with the \K command.
Command: \Kn Break Control
Values: n = 05
Default: 5
Description: Controls the response of the modem to a break received from the computer, the re-
mote modem, or the \B commnd. The response is different for each of three different
Data mode. The modem receives the break from the computer:
\K0 Enters online command mode, no break sent to the remote modem.
\K1 Clears data buffers and send break to the remote modem.
\K2 Same as \K0.
\K3 Sends break immediately to the remote modem .
\K4 Same as \K0.
\K5 Sends break to the remote modem in sequence with the transmitted data.
Data mode. The modem receives the break from the remote modem:
\K0 Clears data buffers and sends break to the computer.
\K1 Same as \K0.
\K2 Sends break immediately to the computer.
\K3 Same as \K2.
\K4 Sends break to the computer in sequence with the received data.
\K5 Same as \K4.
Online command mode. The modem receives a \Bn command from the com-
\K0 Clears data buffers and sends break to the remote modem.
\K1 Same as \K0.
\K2 Sends break immediately to the remote modem.
\K3 Same as \K2.
\K4 Sends break to the remote modem in sequence with the transmitted data.
\K5 Same as \K4.
Command: \Nn Error Correction Mode Selection
Values: n = 05, or 7
Default: 3
Description: \N0 Non-error correction mode with data buffering (buffer mode; same as &Q6).
\N1 Direct mode.
\N2 MNP reliable mode. If the modem cannot make an MNP connection, it
\N3 V.42/MNP auto-reliable mode. The modem attempts first to connect in V.42
error correction mode, then in MNP mode, and finally in non-error-correction
(buffer) mode with continued operation.
\N4 V.42 reliable mode.If the modem cannot make a V.42 connection, it disconnects.
\N5 V.42, MNP, or non-error correction (same as \N3).
\N7 V.42, MNP, or non-error correction (same as \N3).
Command: \Qn Flow Control Selection
Values: n = 0, 1, or 3
Default: 3
Description: \Q0 Disables flow control (same as &K0).
\Q1 XON/XOFF software flow control (same as &K4).
\Q3 RTS/CTS hardware flow control (same as &K3).