User's Guide

FerIT® Node and Solar Node - User Guide 13
Version: 1.0 , 27/08/2020
Safety Precautions
Please make safety a priority when you are carrying out any work at a site. We recommend that you
perform a site-specific risk assessment to identify any potential risks before commencing any work at
a site.
This topic lists identified hazards and options for dealing with them. Hazards that are specific to
particular activities are also listed in the relevant topics.
If any of these hazards are present, refer to the relevant Occupational Health and Safety
regulations for the region for guidance.
If there is a conflict between the instructions in this manual and an applicable national or local
safety code, the national or local code must take precedence.
Identified hazards for working with the Weather Station are:
Environmental hazards
Hazards that apply to working outdoors.
Hazard Extreme weather
Be aware of expected weather conditions and wear suitable clothing
In hot weather, take sunscreen and adequate drinking water. Watch your
companions for signs of dehydration.
In cold weather, wear warm clothing and carry chains for vehicles
Hazard: Traffic
Take care when exiting your vehicle and when working near traffic.
If necessary, erect warning signs or bollards.
Ensure that your vehicle is not a hazard to other vehicles.
Hazard: Power lines
Follow appropriate safety regulations when working near power lines
Hazard: Fire
Observe local fire restrictions.