Owner`s manual

Software Installation
4.Click the Drivers... button to select network driver.
5.In the Network Drivers dialog box, press the Add
Adapter... button to enter Add Network Adapter
dialog box. Select Unlisted or Updated Network
Adapter and press OK.
6.Windows prompts a Install Driver dialog box. At this
time, place the driver diskette into floppy drive and
press OK.
7.Select the Enhanced mode NDIS3 for.... string and
press OK.
8.Follow Windows instructions to complete the instal-
lation and exit Windows
9.Run INSTALL.EXE from root directory of driver dis-
10.Select Windows for Workgroup in the Network
Operating System screen.
11.If current settings are acceptable, select Start In-
stallation and go to step 13. Otherwise, select
Modify Parameters to make setting changes.
12.Move cursor to focus on the setting(s) you want to
change and press Enter to select a new value. When
the configuration is accepted, press Enter on the
OK field to exit the screen and go back to step 11.
13.Select NDIS Server (LAN Manager,...) as the net-
work server you wish to attach and press the Enter
key. The Installation program starts to copy related
files to the destination directory and modifies
AUTOEXEC.BAT under users agreement.
14.Reboot the computer to have the selected driver take
NDIS2 Driver for Workgroups
1.Run Windows for Workgroups and click the Network
Setup icon in the Network group.
2.In the Network Settings dialog box, click the Net-
works... button to select the network operating sys-
3.In the Networks dialog box, check the radio button