System Manual

EkoTek System Installation and Configuration Manual
9261-8173 issue: 8 Page 45
© 2012 Multitone Electronics Plc
Link strength: RSSI of parent link, 1 to 100 where 100=best. Direct connection
is always 100.
Upstream traffic: Count of packets sent to parent.
The loss counts and upstream traffic are simple incrementing counters.
Device status - repeater, solar repeater and call point
Repeater, solar repeater or call point: Serial number.
Battery level: Shows the battery level. An alarm is given when battery level
drops to 20% and a replace battery message initiated at 5%.
Upstream link: Name and serial number of parent repeater or hub.
Beacon loss count: Missed parent beacons. This counts the number of times
the beacon was expected but not received, either through a faulty parent or
degradation of the signal to the parent.
Parent sync loss: Number of times that a loss of sync with parent has occurred.
Other fields are the same as for the hub.
If no status report
has been received
these will show
Awaiting status
All other fields will
be blank.