System Manual

EkoTek System Installation and Configuration Manual
9261-8173 issue: 8 Page 67
© 2012 Multitone Electronics Plc
Clicking the ‘Add’ button will present a screen very similar to the edit rule mode;
the initial line is ‘Enter new rule details’ followed by the options and (clear)
checkboxes as for the editing screen.
Click ‘Submit’ to save the amendments. The new entry is checked for conflicts
in the same manner as in the editing screen. After a successful submission the
alert mapping page shows the new rule added to the list.
Example alert mapping table
The above example contains 3 rules:
1. The first rule routes all normal level alarms raised by devices with user
group 2, in zones 1,2 or 3, with the system running in ‘Day’ mode to pager
group ‘Day’.
2. The second rule routes all normal level alarms raised by devices with user
group 2, in zones 1,2 or 3, with the system running in ‘Night’ mode to pager
group ’Night’.