User's Manual

TM 1184 Issue 1 AL1 (May 1997) Page A1 - 19
Transmitter Alignment - Initial Settings
44. Refer to Figure 7. Set the variable components and links as follows:
VC1 - Anywhere.
VC2 - Half Meshed.
VC3 - Fully Un-meshed.
VC4 - Fully Un-meshed.
VC5 - 25% Meshed.
FL1 and FL2 - Adjusters standing proud by 2mm.
RV1 - Fully Anti-clockwise.
RV2 - Mid Position (15 turns from either end).
RV3 - Anywhere
RV4 - Mid Position
LK1 - Position 2-3 (Normal Version).
Position 1-2 (FTZ Version).
LK2 - Position 1-2 (Bands 1 and 2).
Position 2-3 (Band 3).
LK3 - Position 2-3 (Normal Operation).
Position 1-2 (Invert Data Sense).
45. Set up the test equipment as follows:
a) Disconnect the external audio input from SK1 on the Transmitter PCB.
b) Connect the absorption wattmeter or power meter to the antenna socket using a
lead no longer than 300mm.
c) Connect the modulation meter and frequency counter to the attenuated
d) Connect the power supply to SK3.
e) Connect the audio signal generator to Serial Encoder SK1.
f) Connect the serial port of your PC to SK1 (FCC 68) of the Encoder PCB using
the P910 or P911 cable. If using Windows 95, run Hyper-Terminal; if using
Windows 3.1, run Terminal.Exe. Configure your serial port as follows: 9600 Baud,
8 Data bits, 2 Stop bits, no Parity bit, Flow Control = Hardware.
g) Connect the external power supply to SK3 of the Serial Encoder.