User's Manual

© 2000- 2008 Cirronet™ Inc 25 M-2410P-0000 Rev G2
Set Point-to-Point Direct Mode
Sets point-to-point mode that is recommended for point-to-point applications, especially
where the remote radio is mobile and may leave and re-enter the range of the base. This
mode fixes the remote handle assignment to always be 30H and improves the re-
registration process. Must be set in both base and remote radios.
Set Range Optimization (remote only)
This command applies an adjustment factor to the over-the-air timing of remotes to
compensate for the effects of propagation delay at long ranges. The default setting of
00H is suitable for ranges of 0 to 0.8 miles (1287 m), with optimal performance at 0.1
miles (162m). Each increment of this parameter adds 0.1 miles (162 m) to the working
range. Thus the optimal and max ranges are determined by:
optimal = 0.1mi + 0.1mi x dx = 0.17km + 0.17km x dx
max = 0.8mi + 0.1mi x dx = 1.33km = 0.17km x dx
The following table presents various values of dx and the associated optimal and max ranges.
00H 0mi/0km 0.1mi/0.2km 0.8mi/1.3km
01H 0mi/0km 0.2mi/0.3km 0.9mi/1.5km
04H 0mi/0km 0.5mi/0.8km 1.2 mi/2.0km
06H 0.1mi/0.2km 0.7mi/1.2km 1.4mi/2.3km
09H 0.4mi/0.7km 1.0mi/1.6km 1.8 mi/3.0km
13H 1.4mi/2.3km 2.0mi/3.3km 2.8mi/4.7km
31H 4.4mi/7.3km 5.0mi/8.3km 5.8 mi/9.7km
45H 6.4mi/10.7km 7.0mi/11.7km 7.8mi/13.0km
64H 9.4mi/15.7km 10.0mi/16.7km 10.8mi/18.0km
C8H 19.3mi/32.3km 20.0mi/33.3km 20.8mi/34.7km
FAH 24.4mi/40.7km 25.0mi/41.7km 25.8mi/43.0km
Optimal 'dx' setting for various distances.