Data Sheet

Copyright © Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. October 2017
MBN52832 Data Sheet, v1.3, 11/13/2018 Page 19 of 34
W = H * 1.8
Where W is microstrip trace width and H is Dielectric height. Note that both values must be measured in identical units (mils
or mm)
H = 12 mils, W = 12 * 1.8 = 21.6 mils
H = 0.4 mm W = 0.4 * 1.8 = 0.72 mm
l (trace length) the impedance of the microstrip line is not dependent on its length. However, regulatory and performance
limitations practically determine the actual length to be used by the customer (integrator). The length of this microstrip line
must be longer than 7 mm to mimic the length used during FCC/IC certification of the MBN52832 module. Lengths longer
than 7 mm are acceptable although additional signal loss will occur as a result. Given these restrictions, Murata recommends
microstrip trace lengths between 7 mm and 25 mm.
In any event, the microstrip line must operate over the same Dielectric-Ground Plane configuration shown above to act as
a 50 ohm transmission line. Do not run the microstrip trace through sections of PCB that do not have the Dielectric-Ground
plane configuration shown above.
A reliable 50 ohm transmission line will be produced if the above guidance is closely followed. Any deviations from the
guidance above may cause the module to operate in noncompliant manner. Any implementation questions or concerns
should be directed to Murata module technical support. .