Data Sheet

Copyright © Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. October 2017
MBN52832 Data Sheet, v1.3, 11/13/2018 Page 30 of 34
11.4 IC Labeling Requirements
The host device should be properly labeled to identify the module within the host device. The Industry Canada certification
label of a module shall be clearly visible at all times when installed in the host device, otherwise the host device must be
labeled to display the Industry Canada certification number of the module, preceded by the words “Contains transmitter
module”, or the word “Contains”, or similar wording expressing the same meaning, as follows:
Contains transmitter module IC: 4492A-2832, where 4492A-2832 is the module’s certification number.
11.5 ESTI compliance (Europe)
This device has been tested for use in the European Union. Both MBN52832 comply with the following regulation test.
ETSI EN300 328, Ver. 2.1.1
ETSI EN301.489 - 17
If this device is used in a product, the OEM has responsibility to verify compliance of the final product to the EU standards.
A Declaration of Conformity must be issued and kept on file as described in Annex II of the Radio and Telecommunications
Terminal Equipment Directive.
11.6 RF Exposure
11.6.1 Using on-board PCB antenna
This equipment complies with radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment is in
direct contact with the body of the user under normal operating conditions. This transmitter must not be co-located or
operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux radiations dans un environnement non contrôlé. Cet
équipement est en contact direct avec le corps de l'utilisateur dans des conditions de fonctionnement normales. Cet
émetteur ne doit pas être co-localisées ou opérant en conjonction avec tout autre antenne ou transmetteur.
11.6.2 Using external antenna
This equipment complies with radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be
installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-
located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux radiations dans un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement
doit être installé et utilisé à distance minimum de 20 cm entre le radiateur et votre corps. Cet émetteur ne doit pas être co-
localisées ou opérant en conjonction avec tout autre antenne ou transmetteur.
If the module will be used for portable applications, the device must undergo SAR testing.
The following statement must be included as a CAUTION statement in manuals for the products to alert users on FCC RF
exposure compliance:
“WARNING: To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements for mobile transmitting devices, a separation distance of 20 cm or
more should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons during operation. To ensure compliance,
operations at closer distances than this are not recommended.”
12 RoHS Information
The MBN52832 module is conformed to RoHS requirement.