User Manual

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WakeLinkTimeout - this parameter sets the maximum length of time that a remote in sleep mode will
spend trying to acquire a link to its base before going back to sleep, from a minimum of 100 ms to 25.5 s
in 100 ms units. If this value is set to 0, the remote will stay awake and continue trying to link to its base
TxPower - this parameter sets the transmit power level used by the base (fixed), and the maximum
transmit power level used by a remote. A remote may automatically adjust its power below the TxPower
settings based on the signal strength it receives from the base plus the TxPower setting being used by
the base. The default 1 mW TxPower setting is useful for desktop testing. TxPower is usually set to a
higher level to increase operating range in actual applications. Setting bit 4 (0001xxxx) disables the
remote automatic transmit power function.
0x00 = 0 dBm or 1 mW (default)
0x01 = 10 dBm or 10 mW
0x02 = 18 dBm or 63 mW
ExtSyncEnable - this parameter enables or disables the hardware EX_SYNC function on Pin 15. When
enabled, a pulse train can be input on Pin 15 to synchronize the transmission of co-located bases. Disa-
bled by default.
DiversityMode - the following diversity antenna switching options are supported as an output on GPIO5:
0 = 0 V output (default)
1 = 3.3 V output
2 = hop-by-hop toggle between 0 and 3.3 V
UserTag - this is a user definable field intended for use as a location description or other identifying tag
such as a “friendly name”.
RegDenialDelay - when a remote has been removed from a network through a RemoteLeave, the
RegDenialDelay parameter sets the length of time the remote will wait before considering that network a
candidate for joining again. Units are in seconds; the default is 10 s.
RmtTransDestAddr - this parameter sets the destination address that a remote will send packets to when
configured to use transparent mode. The default destination is the base (0x000000). If this field is set to
another remote's MAC address or to the broadcast address, a peer-to-peer packet will be sent. Note that
peer-to-peer packets have higher latency than direct packets between base and remote. This setting has
no effect on the base.
TreeRoutingEn - this parameter enables tree-routing system operation. Tree-routing operation is disabled
by default.
BaseModeNetID - this parameter holds the base-mode network ID used by a router. This parameter must
be set to a unique value while the node is in remote mode. The node can then be configured as a router.
The base-mode network ID of 0 is reserved for the system base. To keep the base routing table trans-
missions short, low BaseModeNetID values should be used when possible. The base routing table trans-
missions leave off all unused entries corresponding to higher BaseModeNetIDs. For instance, if the
largest BaseModeNetID being used is 63, the payload in the routing table packet will be 64 bytes long. In
contrast, if the largest BaseModeNetID being used is five, then the payload in the routing table packet will
be only 6 bytes long.