User Manual

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StaticNetAddr - this parameter holds the lower byte of the system address of a remote. Assigning a value
other than 0xFF provides a fixed (static) address. When this parameter is set to 0xFF, the router assigns
the lower byte of the system address to a remote dynamically. When using fixed network addressing, any
device that can connect to a parent that has any children with fixed network addresses must also have a
unique fixed network address, including child routers.
HeartbeatIntrvl - this parameter sets the interval that heartbeat status messages are sent from each
system radio. Status messages include the node’s parent’s BaseModeNetID, its own routing address, and
miscellaneous performance data. The default value for this parameter is 20 seconds. If the heartbeat
interval is set to 0x0000, remote heartbeats are disabled. Since router heartbeats are needed to maintain
the system routing table, setting the HeartbeatIntrvl value on a router to 0x0000 will cause heartbeats to
be sent at the default 20 second rate. Setting the HeartbeatIntrvl parameter to 0xFFFF will suppress
heartbeats except during registration or when an error is detected in the routing table.
The base maintains a 2-bit counter for each router in the system. The counter is decremented at the
base’s heartbeat interval. If the base does not receive a heartbeat packet from a router for two to three
heartbeat intervals, that router and all of its child routers (and their child routers, etc.) are deleted from the
routing table. It is possible to set the base’s heartbeat interval to a value greater than the heartbeat inter-
val for all the other devices in the network, to prevent premature router timeouts due to network conges-
tion causing heartbeats from routers to be delayed or lost.
The base treats router heartbeat packets differently than remote heartbeat packets. Heartbeat packets
from remotes are not ACKed, while ACKs are sent to a routers originating a heartbeat packets to indicate
reception. This prevents additional heartbeat transmissions by a router until the next heartbeat interval. If
a router does not receive a reply to a heartbeat packet within the configured P2PReplyTimeout interval, it
will persistently re-send the heartbeat packet until its is ACK’ed.
TreeRoutingSysID - this parameter holds the system ID for a tree-routing system.
EnableRtAcks - this parameter controls remote ACK replies for peer-to-peer data packets. The default
configuration for this parameter is 0, which suppresses remote peer-to-peer ACKs. Setting this parameter
to 1 enables peer-to-peer ACKs. This parameter applies to both point-to-multipoint and tree-routing peer-
to-peer communications.
4.2.2 Bank 1 - System Settings
Size in
Bank Loc'n Name R/W bytes Range Default; Options
0x01 0x00 FrequencyBand R/W 1 0..FF 0x00 to 0x08 = general purpose,
0x04, 0x05 & 0x07 = France, 0xFF = auto
0x01 0x01 AccessMode R/W 1 0..4 2 = TDMA Dynamic Slots
0x01 0x02 BaseSlotSize R/W 1 6..233 50 bytes
0x01 0x03 LeasePeriod R/W 1 0..250 5 s (0 to disable)
0x01 0x04 ARQ_Mode R/W 1 0..3 1 = redundant broadcast to ARQ_AttemptLimit,
ARQAttemptLimit pass to remotes enabled
0x01 0x05 ARQ_AttemptLimit R/W 1 0..63 8 attempts
0x01 0x06 MaxSlots R/W 1 0..15 4 slots
0x01 0x07 CSMA_Predelaty R/W 1 0..255 0x03
0x01 0x08 CSMA_Backoff R/W 1 0..255 0x0A
0x01 0x09 MaxPropDelay R/W 1 0..255 0x45 (20 mi, 32.18 km)
0x01 0x0A LinkDropThreshold R/W 1 0..255 0x0C
0x01 0x0B CSMA_RemtSlotSize R/W 1 1..255 64
0x01 0x0C CSMA_BusyThreshold R/W 1 1..255 20
0x01 0x0D RangingInterval R/W 1 0..255 0 = disable
0x01 0x0E AuthMode R/W 1 0..3 0 = authentication disabled
0x01 0x0F P2PReplyTimeout R/W 1 16 hops