User Manual

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AuthMode - this parameter is valid on the base only. It controls how remotes are permitted to join the
network. Permitted values are:
0 = Any remote may join
1 = Authentication by base radio permission table
2 = Authentication by request to host application
3 = Lock authentication to permit only currently registered remotes
P2PReplyTimeout - This parameter sets the reply timeout for peer-to-peer packets sent from one node to
another. Because each leg of the journey from one node to another and back may take multiple transmit
attempts, the length of time to confirm receipt and issue a TxDataReply is subject to more variation than a
transmission directly between a base and a remote. The P2PReplyTimeout parameter specifies the
maximum number of hops or hop pairs that a remote will wait for a reply from its recipient. If a reply
returns sooner than the timeout, the remote will send a TxDataReply indicating success to its host as
soon as it is received, and cancels the timeout. If a reply does not come back before the timeout expires,
the remote will send a TxDataReply to its host indicating failure. If a reply should come back after the
timeout expires the remote will ignore it, as a TxDataReply has already been sent. The units of this pa-
rameter are in hops for non tree-routing operation and in hop pairs for tree-routing operation. The default
is eight hops/eight hop pairs.
There is some coupling between the HeartbeatIntrvl parameter setting and the P2PReplyTimeout param-
eter setting. If the heartbeat interval in seconds is less than the P2PReplyTimeout in hop pairs, it is possi-
ble that a router will not repeat an un-ACKed heartbeat packet quickly enough to prevent the base from
timing that router out (heartbeats are repeated only when an ACK is not received within the
P2PReplyTimeout interval.) Thus, setting the P2PReplyTimeout to a very large value relative to the
heartbeat interval could cause problems.
4.2.3 Bank 2 - Status Registers
Size in
Bank Loc'n Name R/W bytes Range Default
0x02 0x00 MacAddress R 3 0..0x0ffffff fixed value
0x02 0x03 CurrNwkAddr R 1 0..255 as set
0x02 0x04 CurrNwkID R 1 0..255 as set
0x02 0x05 CurrRF_DataRate R 1 0..3 as set
0x02 0x06 CurrFreqBand R 1 0..1 as set
0x02 0x07 LinkStatus R 1 0..4 current status
0x02 0x08 RemoteSlotSize R 1 0..243 as set
0x02 0x09 TDMA_NumSlots R 1 0..16 as set
0x02 0x0A Reserved R 1 0..255 reserved
0x02 0x0B TDMA_CurrSlot R 1 0..16 current slot
0x02 0x0C HardwareVersion R 1 0..255 0x00 = CCT24 rev A
0x02 0x0D FirmwareVersion R 1 0..255 current firmware load
0x02 0x0E FirmwareBuildNum R 2 0..2
current firmware load
0x02 0x10 Reserved R 1 0..255 reserved
0x02 0x11 SuperframeCount R 1 0..255 current value
0x02 0x12 RSSI_Idle R 1 0..255 as set
0x02 0x13 RSSI_Last R 1 0..255 as set
0x02 0x14 CurrTxPower R 1 0..255 as set
0x02 0x15 CurrAttemptLimit R 1 0..255 as set
0x02 0x16 CurrRangeDelay R 1 0..255 as set
0x02 0x17 FirmwareBuildDate R 8 ASCII as set
0x02 0x1F FirmwareBuildTime R 8 ASCII as set
0x02 0x27 ModelNumber R 1 0..255 0x01
0x02 0x28 CurrBaseModeNetID R 1 0..63, 255 0xFF
0x02 0x29 AveRXPwrOvHopSeq R 1 0..255 as received
0x02 0x2A ParentACKQual R 1 0..255 4*number of attempts to get ACK
MacAddress - returns the radio's unique 24-bit MAC address.