Installation Instructions

SmartDoor™ Connected Pet Door
Training Guide
Now that you have finished installing your pet door, it is time to train your pet to use it. This is a crucial step even if your pet is accustomed
to using a pet door, the SmartDoor™ Connected Pet Door will look, sound, and behave differently than his previous door.
What to expect
Most pets need time and training to move comfortably through the new door. Plan to spend several 10-to-15-minute training sessions with
your pet. The training steps provided in this guide have helped other pet door users and their pets have a positive experience with their
new door.
It is not uncommon to need to repeat a training step several times before moving on to the next, especially if you have a timid pet.
Remember to give your pet breaks between training sessions. Sometimes a new door can be scary to your pet, so watch for nervous
behavior and take time to calm your pet as needed.
It is also common for your pet to become accustomed to moving through the door in one direction before gaining confidence in the other
direction. If you observe this, continue training with your pet to encourage confidence. Each pet’s journey with a new pet door is unique; if
you have questions, please contact our Customer Care team.
And remember your pet can read your body language and mirror it. If you find yourself getting frustrated, it might be best to take a break
and try again later.
Learning to
move through
the opening
without the
getting used
to the weight
of the flap
Pushing the
flap open
Getting used
to the sound
of the door
locking and
Giving your
pet freedom
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5