
Issue 1
Page 9 of 12
Once all connections are made, switch on the unit, using
the ON/OFF switches on the power supply front panel.
Both switches should be operated for normal operation.
Both blue LEDs on the power supply front panel should
be lit as well as the blue middle LED on the amplifier.
The amplifier may now be switched fully on using the
button on the front of the amplifier. After a few seconds
delay the left hand blue LED on the amplifier should be
lit. The right hand LED will light after another short
delay and the amplifier is ready for use.
The correct power off procedure should be followed in
order to prevent unnecessary power surges on the mains
The amplifier itself should be switched off by the
button on it’s own front panel. Only the blue LED in
the centre will be lit at this point.
A protection feature is built into the amplifier which
has to time out before switching back on again. After
switch-off, please wait at least 5 seconds before
attempting to switch the amplifier on again. The
amplifier on/off button will be disabled for these 5
Should the amplifier be driven into current limit, the red
LED on the affected channel will flash briefly and sound
output may be reduced slightly. This is indicating that a
very large amount of current is being driven into the
speakers and damage is likely to occur. Turn the volume
Repeated concurrent clipping will cause the amplifier to
shut down with the red LED lit steadily in the offending
Check wiring and if all looks secure, reset the unit by
pressing the front panel button.
Should an internal overheat situation occur, the centre
orange LED will light. If this is allowed to continue, the
amplifier will eventually shut itself off. The amplifier
will remain in this state until it has cooled down a
sufficiently. Once the orange light has extinguished, the
amplifier is ready to be turned on again, by pushing the
front panel button.
If overheat mode persists, check wiring for errors; locate
unit in a more open area, where it can cool down more