Technical data

This area displays different system conditions of your MC-6. There is no
access for changing settings.
»LOCK« (2
Doing unidirectional format conversions or bidirectional format conversions
with SRC, the first »LOCK« LED above lights when the internal PLL circuit
has detected the incoming digital audio signal or clock reference signal
as valid. During bidirectional format conversions or the different X-SRC
modes, both »LOCK« LEDs light, when the incoming digital audio signals
are valid. There, the first LED above in the LED row indicates the lock status
of the first selected digital audio format, the second lock LED the status of
the secondly selected digital audio format.
If the digital audio signal or reference clock signal is unstable, the »LOCK«
LEDs do not light, the whole audio conversion process will be stopped and
the digital audio outputs do not transmit any signals.
If the internal oscillator is selected as reference clock for the SRCs, the first
»LOCK« LED will light correspondingly.
»AUDIO« (2
These two LEDs indictae if the ncoming digital audio signal is valid aligned
to the processable digital audio standards (see APPENDIX). Using one of the
unidirectional conversion modes, the first »AUDIO« LED, seen from above
of the LED row, indicates the audio status of the digital audio reference
signal. Using bidirectional modes or one of the X-SRC modes, assigned to
the corresponding digital audio formats, selected within the »AUDIO
»1« + »2«
This area displays the incoming sampling and reference clock rates for the
different operation modes of your MC-6.
Undirectional Format Conversion:
The sampling rate of the digital audio signal, which is selected as reference,
will be displayed under LED row »1«. The LEDs of row »2« do not light.
Undirectional Format and Sampling Rate Conversion:
The clock rate of the selected reference clock signal will be displayed under
LED row »1«. The LEDs of row »2« do not light.
Bidirectional Format Conversion:
The sampling rate of the digital audio format, selected as first in the
IN« menu, will be displayed with LED row »1«. The sampling rate of
the secondly selected digital audio format is displayed with LED row »2«.
Bidirectional Format and Sampling Rate Conversion:
The clock rate of the selected reference clock signal will be displayed under
LED row »1«. The LEDs of row »2« do not light.
X-SRC Mode:
The sampling rate of the digital audio format, selected as first in the
IN« menu, will be displayed with LED row »1«. The sampling rate of
the second digital audio format is displayed with LED row »2«.
If the internal reference clock oscillator is selected as clock reference,
regardless of the operation mode, the clock rate selected in the
»REFERENCE« menu will be displayed under LED row »1«. The LEDs of row
»2« do not light.
The following basis reference clock rates are supported and will be