Display manual

Option Select
Battery Power Bar Setting
VOL means voltage setting. Each bar represents a voltage value. 5 voltage values
must be entered one by one.
For example, VOL 1 is first bar
voltage value, the default
value is 31.5. Press UP/DOWN to increase or reduce the number.
Press MODE to confirm
and enter the second bar. By analogy, after 5
voltage values is entered
,holdMODE to
conf irm
and return to previous menu.
Battery Power Bar Setting
Power Assistant Level Set t ing
Power Assistant Level Select
In power assistant level setting, there are 8 mode s to select0-3, 1-3, 0-5, 1-5, 0-7, 1-
7, 0-9, 1-9. The default mode is 0-5. Press Up/DOWN to select the mode, and press MODE
to confirm and enter the PAS ratio setting page.
PAS Mode Select Interface