Display manual

Interface of slowly setting up
Power-on Password Setting
P2, 0000 on the screen means power-on password setting. Press UP/DOWN to
change the number. Press MODE to confirm digit one by one. After correct 4-digit pass word
entered, press MODE to confirm and enter power-on password enable setting
interface,otherwise stay on the password input state. The default power-on password is
Power-on Password Entering Interface
Power-on Password Enable
Press UP/DOWN to select Y or N, and press MODE to confirm. Po wer-on Password
default is N. If it is Y, press MODE to enter power-on password modify interface , otherwise
exit the power-on password settings interface.
Y is Power-on Password Enable
N is Power-on Password Disable
Power-on Password Disable
Power-on Password Modify
When the display shows P3, 0000, pres s MODE to choose digit one by one, press
UP/DOWN to input the new password, then hold MODE to confirm the modification and exit
setting interface. Restarting display will show P1,0000, input the new password to power on.