Display manual

General Paramete r Set t ing
Hold both UP and DOW N for 2 seconds to enter User setting. Then hold both DOWN
and MODE more than 2 seconds is to enter w
heel d iameter Setting interface.
Wheel Diameter Setting
Ld means wheel diameter setting. Selectable values include 16,18,20,22,24,26,700C
and 28. Press UP/DOWN to select the correct value to match the wheel dia meter. Default
diameter is 20 inch. Press MODE to enter speed-limit setting
Wheel Di ameter Setti ng Interf ac e
Speed- limit Setting
LS means the limit speed setting. When the running speed is faster than limit speed,
the controller will cut off the motor power. Limit spee d range is 12Km/h to 40Km/h. Limit
speed default setting is 25Km/h. Press UP/DOWN to select the favorite value, then hold
MODE over 2 seconds to confirm and quit the setting mode.
Limit Speed Setting Interface
Personalized Parameter Setting
Personalized Parameter Setting can match variety requirements in use. There are 8
Settings items, such as Battery Power Bar Setting, Power assistant level Setting, Over-
current C ut Setting , Power Assistant Sensor Setting, Speed Sensor Setting Throttle
Function Setting, System Setting and Power-on Password Setting. Please refer to the
Attached list 2.
Hold both UP and DOWN more than 2 seconds to enter general setting, then hold both
UP and DOWN again to enter personalized parameter settings items selection page.
Press UP /DOWN to choose the personalized parameter settings items, and press
MODE to enter the corresponding setting page.