Operating Instructions

SENSE MCE IBC Operating Instruction
Rev. D, 2020-12-15 Release Page 41 of 46
© MYNXG Product GmbH, 2020. All rights reserved
6 Annex: Troubleshooting
Getting Alarm from Cloud that
communication is interrupted
In case that you do not get data from the Sense MCE IBC
displayed in your application, do the following steps:
1. Ensure that communication to cloud is established
2. Ensure that communication chain from cloud to
Sense MCE IBC is established (router, repeater, etc.)
The LTE SIM card is inserted
but the Sense MCE IBC does
not connect to the network.
1. Check that Sense MCE IBC reports to the cloud
2. Check that the inserted SIM card is from our
supported provider
3. Check on the cloud that there is no tamper event
WI-FI is not accessible when
LTE is enabled
Only one radio interface is active at a time. Please
configure from the cloud if you need to use Wi-Fi instead
of LTE network.
The Sense MCE IBC is shown
offline in the cloud
1. Check the battery level reported on the last message