User's Manual

MYSPHERA Ronda Auguste y Louis Lumiere 23, Nave 13 • 46980 Parque
Tecnológico de Valencia Paterna, Valencia • Spain
Telf.: +34 96 182 71 77
Pág. 6
- Product identifier code:
o Start with 3 letters indicating type / family of the product.
o Followed by 2 letters indicating the type of interface and / or communication
of the product.
o Followed by 1 digit indicating version of the enclosures / enclosures /
mechanical encapsulation.
o Followed by 2 digits indicating the hardware version.
o Finishing with 2 digits that indicate the firmware version.
- IEEE adress: 12-digit alphanumeric MAC identification, unique for each device /
product manufactured.
- S / N: Serial number of the hardware used in that product.
o Internal product accounting code.
o Hardware manufacturing number.
- Electrical characteristics of use.
- Certification and marking symbols: CE and FCC
- Place and year of manufacture.
3. Instalation
Each of the presence sensors will be placed on the wall or supported by a piece of furniture
at an approximate height of 1.5 m from the ground level, in their respective areas (Bathroom,
Kitchen, Bedroom and Living Room). It will be verified that the sensors are on, for this it is
necessary to press the button on the front of the device, if pressing it turns on a blue light
means that the sensor is on and that you have just sent a test frame that It will last a few
seconds and the LED will turn off again returning to normal mode. If the light does not turn
on, it will be necessary to press the button for 2-3 seconds until the blue light comes on.
This is how we can see that the sensor is working. The door sensor will be placed in the
frame of the door that leads to the exit of the house, also the magnet that is responsible for
exciting the sensor will be placed every time the door is opened or closed. We must also
confirm that the door sensor is on for this we will follow the same procedure as with the
presence sensor, we will press the button for 2-3 seconds until the orange LED that
indicates that the sensor is on is lit. The user or family that owns the set must have a
multimedia device with Bluetooth technology capable of receiving Bluetooth frames sent by
the devices that make up the installed set.
4. Intended Use
Once all the sensors are placed in place and in operation, we will access the application
installed on the mobile device to verify that all the sensors, in addition to being well
configured, receive presence, if so, the installation will be in operation and we can check
Instantly the movements of the person in the "Gateway" application whenever we want.