User guide

Mytek PQ Multichannel System – User's Manual
III. Talkback
1. We will give an example with the SSL console but it is similar in
all consoles:
Talkback to headphones usually occurs inside the SSL and is
inserted into Aux sends at the patch point called CUE SENDS or CUE
OUTPUTS not the CUE INSERTS. Any time you use the Cue Sends as
a way to feed some signal to PQ then talkback to Cues will get to the
musicians at some level when the engineer presses the "Cues"
talkback button.
2. A good idea if you have a spare channel on the Q mixer is to
dedicate that channel as a "Talkback" and patch any of the Cue
send/output patch points into it. That way each musician has a level
control for talkback and you are not relying on them to have any
other specific channel turned up. This does not disable this send as an
echo send.
IV. Operation
1. Operation of the Private Q mixers is very simple and self
explanatory to you. However you cannot assume that it is self-
explanatory to every musician who will be using it. Some may have
no problems, some may have no idea! A few simple things that the
assistant can do at the beginning of the session will help:
a. Properly label all Q boxes with artist tape and sharpie.
b. Preset all volume pots at around 12 o'clock, tone controls flat, and
pan pots appropriately. As the engineer starts getting sounds
assistant can go around with a set of headphones and help the
musicians get the mix up. It is a good idea to talk to each musician for
a minute and show them how the thing works and what is on each
the cue cables !! They carry
power for the boxes and
occurring sparks will
DAMAGE the connectors and
possibly the boxes. First set up
the system, then power it up. If
you have to add a box it is OK
to turn off the system.
User Manual ver. 1.0 / Jun 2013 Page: 6 / 14