Software (v.2)

Mytek Stereo192-DSD DAC DSD128
Compatibility Chart
© 2014 MYTEK DIGITAL - all logos and trademarks copyright of respective owners 78
Windows* OS X**
USB2.0 ASIO Setup with DoP DSD
USB2.0 ASIO Setup with Native DSD
FireWire ASIO Setup with DoP DSD
Jriver Media Center
USB2.0 Wasapi Setup with DoP DSD
USB2.0 ASIO Setup with Native DSD
FireWire Wasapi Setup with DoP DSD
USB2.0 ASIO Setup with DoP DSD
FireWire ASIO Setup with DoP DSD
FireWire (CoreAudio) Setup with DoP DSD
USB2.0 (CoreAudio) Setup with DoP DSD
Pure Music
FireWire (Core Audio) Setup with DoP DSD
USB2.0 (Core Audio) Setup with DoP DSD
Audirvana Plus
FireWire (Core Audio) Setup with DoP DSD
USB2.0 (Core Audio) Setup with DoP DSD
*Windows 7, 8
Firmware 1.7.6
USB driver 1.34.10, FireWire driver 4.1.3
or later
**Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9
Firmware 1.7.6
USB driver 2.03.51, FireWire driver 4.1.3
or later