User manual

Mytek Ptools-HD DIO Card – User Manual
Connecting Clock Signal Line
Single converter
If a single converter is used in the system, choosing internal
clock is the best solution. If external clock is used for
synchronization, SAMPLE RATE must be set to EXT. To do it,
press and hold EXT CLOCK SOURCE switch.
Regardless of synchronization source, choose in Pro Tools
software: Setup > Hardware Setup and select Internal on the Clock
Source tab.
Master 8x192 ADDA converter’s front panel
Clock source is typically internal, choose external only if you must use
it for systemic reasons.
Check if the selected sampling frequency of the converter (FS)
matches the sampling frequency in Pro Tools. If FS is double or
quadruple of external clocks frequency, WCK option must be
set to FS/4. FS/4 is the default setting and must be used
whenever multiple Digidesign I/O units are used in addition to
master 8X192ADDA
Setup > Hardware Setup
File > New Session
User Manual ver. 1.0 / jan 2007 Page: 12 / 29