Operation Manual

1 MC LOADS (R1, R2, R3): If you are using a Moving Coil (MC)
cartridge, set this switch to a resistive load that closely approximates
the value specied in the MC cartridge (this is usually specied in the
MC cartridge). In general, use the lowest resistance for low output
cartridges and high resistance for medium output cartridges. For very
high output models up to 1 mV/cm/sec and internal resistance as
high as 200 ohms, use the low or medium input resistance as you may
otherwise run into overload.
The resistive values are R1= 600 ohms, R2= 100 ohms and R3=40 ohms.
2 MM LOADS (C1, C2, C3): If you are using a Moving Magnet (MM)
cartridge, this switch selects the input capacitance of the phono
preamplier. It enables you to optimise the load capacitance for those
cartridges whose frequency response is aected by this parameter.
The selectable capacitance values are C1=220 pF, C2=330 pF and
C3=400 pF.
In order to select the best value of preamplier input capacitance, you
must rst determine the total capacitance recommended for the MM
cartridge. This is usually included in the makers specications.
Next, subtract the capacitance of your turntable’s tonearm wiring signal
cables. (Check the specications supplied with the tonearm; generally,
the cables has capacitance of 100-200 pF) After this subtraction, what
remains is the desired value of preamplier input capacitance. Set the
MM LOAD switch to the nearest value. It is not necessary to match
the computed value exactly; with most phono pickups, a variation of
50pF one way or the other will produce only a very slight change in
frequency response.
For example: Suppose a MM cartridge in a turntable has a
recommended load capacitance of 275 pF and a cable capacitance
of about 100 pF. By computation, the required preamplier input
capacitance is 175 pF. Set the MM LOAD switch to C1.
You may also set the MM LOAD switch by ear while listening to
recordings that are strong in high frequency overtones. Typically, when
the capacitance is too low, the upper midrange (the soprano voice
range) will be softened and the response at the highest frequency will
be peaky, leading to edgy violin tone and increased surface noise. Too
high a value of capacitance will bring the upper midrange forward
while rolling o the extreme highs.
3 MC INPUT: Input for a Moving Coil phono cartridge. Connect the twin RCA
lead from your turntable to this input if you are using a Moving Coil cartridge.
4 MM INPUT: Input for a Moving Magnet phono cartridge. Connect
the twin RCA lead from your turntable to this input if you are using a
Moving Magnet cartridge.
5 PHONO GROUND CONNECTOR: Turntables normally includes a single
wire earth lead. Use the C 165BEE phono ground connector to connect
this lead. Unscrew the terminal to expose the hole, which will accept
the lead. After insertion, tighten the terminal to secure the lead.
6 MC-MM SWITCH: Slide this switch to either MM (Moving Magnet) or
MC (Moving Coil) depending upon the phono cartridge being used.
7 CD INPUT: Input for a CD or other line-level signal source. Use a
twin RCA-to-RCA lead to connect the CD player’s left and right Audio
Outputs” to this input.
8 TUNER INPUT: Input for a tuner or other line-level signal source. Use
a twin RCA-to-RCA lead to connect the tuner left and right Audio
Outputs” to this input.
9 MP INPUT: Input for a Media Player or other line-level signal source.
Use a twin RCA-to-RCA lead to connect the Media Player’s left and right
Audio Outputs” to this input.
10 AUX INPUT: Input for additional line level input signals such as
another CD player. Use a twin RCA-to-RCA lead to connect the auxiliary
unit’s left and right Audio Outputs” to this input.
11 TAPE 2 IN/OUT: Connections for analog recording and playback to an
audio tape recorder of any type. Using twin RCA-to-RCA leads, connect
to the left and right Audio Output” of the tape machine to the TAPE 2 IN
sockets for playback. Connect the left and right Audio Input of the tape
machine to the TAPE 2 OUT sockets for recording.
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Please make sure that the C 165BEE is powered o or unplugged before making any connections. It is also advisable to power down or unplug all
associated components while making or breaking any signal or AC power connections.
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