Owner`s manual

The C 515BEE can play back CD-R or CDRW audio discs that have been
recorded on a computer or CD recorder. The quality of CD-R, CD-RW audio
discs varies widely which may aect playability. Some factors that aect
The quality of the disc itself. Generally speaking, CD-R, CD-RW blanks
from well-renowned companies give better results than unbranded
The quality of CD-recorder or computer CD re/writer. Some recorders
and writers produce better results than others.
The CD-R and CD-RW were created with high-speed writing. In general,
the quality of a CD-R or CD-RW is better when produced at a lower
speed against a higher speed on the same recorder or re/writer.
The C 515BEE can play MP3/WMA formatted recordings on CD-R or CD-RW
discs. You may mix any of the le types on the disc. Using the CD 7 remote
control, one can select through the MP3/WMA folders and les as well as
start playback through the following steps
1 Load the applicable disc.
2 Press [FOLDER ] to select desired folder. Press [ENTER].
3 Press [FILE ] to select desired le number. You must be at STOP or
playback mode to access both folders.
4 Press [ENTER] to start playback. For each le type being played, the
C 515BEE will display the le type at the VFD and a corresponding icon
at the VFD. Information about the Song Title, Album and Artist name, if
available, will scroll through the VFD during playback.
The le number is recognized per disc, not per folder – that is, the
number assigned to each le corresponds to their sequence in the disc.
If you want to select le number “9” in a disc where there are 100 or more
MP3/WMA les, press “0” twice and then “9.
The program function enables you to store your favorite tracks from any
disc in the player memory. When programming a sequence of tracks, the
C 515BEE must be in STOP mode. Using the CD 7 remote control, enter your
desired program sequence through the following steps
1 Press [PROGRAM]. The display indicates “P01 T00”. The “00” in the T00”
keeps on blinking, meaning that the player is awaiting the rst Program
2 Use the Direct-Entry numeric keypad buttons to enter the rst track
in your planned sequence. Upon entering the track number, the VFD
will briey show the total number and total time of the currently
programmed tracks like TTL 01 3:25”.
3 The display will revert to show “P02 T00, indicating that the player is
ready for your second program entry. Upon entering the second track,
the VFD will again briey show the total number and total time of the
currently programmed tracks like TTL 02 6:45”TTL 02” indicates that
there are now a total of two programmed tracks and “6:45” is the total
playback time of both programmed tracks.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to select and store other track numbers in
memory, up to a maximum of 40 entries. If you attempt to program
more than 40 tracks or les, “P-FULL will be displayed in the VFD.
5 Press [PROGRAM] to end or nalize the program – the VFD will show the
last programmed number and track.
6 Press to start program playback.
The procedure for programming MP3/WMA les is the same as above
with an exception at step 2 and 3 – the total number of programmed
les and total playback time will not be displayed during programming.
If you want to select le number “9” in a disc where there are 100 or more
MP3/WMA les, press “0” twice and then “9.
Pressing STOP key at any time during the programming procedure will
put to a STOP the sequence and clear all the currently programmed
tracks or les. VFD will revert back to displaying the total number of
tracks and total playback time for audio CD and total number of les for
Pressing STOP key twice during program playback will result to having
the whole program list deleted.
1 Initiate review or edit of your program entries through either of the
following initial steps
If you are still in programming mode, press [PROGRAM].
If during program playback, press [STOP] once then [PROGRAM].
2 The VFD will show the rst Program Number and the corresponding
“blinking” programmed track.
3 To change the programmed track of a particular sequence, use the
Direct-Entry numeric keypad buttons. Press [SKIP or ] to move
forward or backward the programmed tracks as well as review the list
and change if so desired.
4 If you want to delete a particular program sequence during program
review, press [DELETE] key.
5 After nalizing your program changes or completing your review, press
[PROGRAM] again.
1 To play the stored program, press [PLAY] while you are in “PROGRAM”
mode. “PROG” icon will appear in the display, indicating that a stored
program is being played. During Program Play, the SKIP buttons will
access only the tracks in the program list.
2 If you want to play only a portion of a stored program, initiate play and
press SKIP to jump over the programmed tracks that you don’t want to
1 To terminate Program play, press [STOP] once. The stored track list
remains in memory. If you want to play the program again, simply press
2 To clear the program memory, perform any of the following steps
Press [STOP] twice during program playback.
Press [OPEN] to open the disc tray.
Switch OFF the power.
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