Operation Manual

WARNING! For Outdoor Use Only.
WARNING! Improper installaon, adjustment, alteraon, service or maintenance can cause
injury or property damage. Read the installaon, operang and maintenance instrucons thoroughly
before installing or servicing this module.
Safe Operang Pracces
This module must be assembled exactly according to the instrucons in the manual. If the module
was store assembled, you must review the assembly instrucons to conrm correct assembly before
operang the module.
Read the enre instrucon manual before operang the module.
Under no circumstances should this module be modied.
Do not leave water running in the sink when unaended. Water must be turned o at the sink faucet
and at the wall faucet when it is not in use.
Disconnect and drain the hoses aached to the module when not in use.
Inspect the water supply hose before each use. If there is evidence of excessive abrasion or wear
or the hose is cut, it must be replaced prior to using the module with a replacement hose assembly
specied by the manufacturer.
Young children should be supervised near the module.
Do not leave module unaended when operang.
To protect against electric shock, keep any electrical supply away from wet surfaces.
Clean sink and faucet regularly.
Do not use a pressure washer to clean any part of the module.
Do not use the sink to dispose of hazardous materials such as paints, oils and solvents.
Do not operate the module when the temperature falls below freezing, (32
C). Drain the water
from the supply and the drain lines when below freezing temperatures are expected.
WARNING! Always wear protecve gloves and safety glasses when servicing your module.
WARNING! Clean the module in an area where cleaning soluons will not harm decks, lawns,
or paos. Do not use oven cleaner to clean any part of this module. Barbecue sauce and salt can be
corrosive and will cause rapid deterioraon of the modules components unless cleaned regularly.
Cleaning Instrucons
Note: Stainless steel tends to oxidize or stain in the presence of chlorides and suldes, parcularly in
coastal areas and other harsh environments, such as the warm, highly humid atmosphere around pools
and hot tubs. These stains could be perceived as rust, but can be easily removed or prevented. To provide
stain prevenon and removal, wash all stainless steel surfaces every 3-4 weeks or as oen as required
with fresh water and/or stainless steel cleaner.
Cleaning The Surface: Do not use abrasive cleaners or steel wool on any painted, porcelain or stainless
steel part of your Napoleon Module, doing so will scratch the nish. Exterior painted surfaces should be
cleaned with warm soapy water. To clean stainless surfaces, use a stainless steel or a non-abrasive cleaner.
Always wipe in the direcon of the grain.