Installation Guide

Step 3Secure the Outside Edge & Infill
BEFORE you infill - SECURE THE OUTSIDE EDGE by using 6 inch
seam spikes, every 6 inches, around the edge. Place the spike
approximately ½ inch from the outer edge.
In addition to nailing the turf, you will need to place “infill” granules
on top of the turf. The infill material helps to protect the blades
and backing from UV exposure and weathering and assists the
blades to stand, upright, while weighing the surfaces down. The
easiest way to spread infill is with a drop spreader (the type
commonly used to spread grass seed, fertilizer, lime, etc.).
You will need approximately 2 lbs of (size 16 mesh) infill for every
square foot of INSTALLED turf area, for landscape styles. The ideal
amount will fill in the voids, between blades, up to 50% of the height
of the blade (pile height).
Place the infill material in the hopper of the spreader and set at
about a 10 on the gauge (or medium open) on the hopper. This
opening size will allow for a fair amount of infill to get into the fibers
of the turf.
Walk slowly behind the spreader allowing the infill to spread evenly
on the turf. Do NOT overlap or you will apply too much infill on each
pass at the overlap and will need to spread it out, later.
Generally, you will spread about 1/3rd of infill per pass with the
spreader. In between spreading the layers of infill, vigorously "back"
brush the infill; using short strokes; deep into the turf fibers. This will
help the blades to stand upright and you should notice a deeper
color or tone in the surface. For best results, use a Tundra Infill
Rake, stiff broom or a power brush (not shown).
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It's a great idea
to clean and
clear your area
before beginning
the infill process.
Infill Rake