Installation Guide

While this is a low maintenance product, there still is
some maintenance required. Following these simple
suggested routines will insure that you will protect and
enjoy your new artificial grass for years to come.
1. Once every month you should blow off your turf with
a leaf blower to get the leaves and dust off the turf
fibers. This will take only a few minutes but will keep
your turf looking beautiful.
2. Once every quarter, you should aggressively brush
your turf (against) the grain to get the turf to stand up
and to clean the dust and debris off the turf fibers.
More infill may be required, if blades fall down easily.
3. You can brush the turf with a very stiff broom
(garage type), infill rake, or a power broom. If you
have more than about 200 square foot, you may want
to consider renting a power broom as it will do a better
job and is far easier on your back
4. Once every year you should power brush the turf
and check the infill and seams, and attend to any
loose seams, immediately,
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