Bridge User Manual

Chapter 7 Advanced Application Topics
© National Instruments Corporation 7-25 BridgeVIEW User Manual
3. After creating the two accounts, select << Done Adding Users. Click
the OK button.
4. Unless you were previously logged in, a Login dialog box appears.
Log in as
, with Password
5. Open the
My Alarm Summary With
you created in
Activity 5-2, Acknowledge Alarms in the Alarm Summary Display.
6. Edit the block diagram of
Alarm Summary with
to limit
operability of the Ack button depending on the user logged in.
a. Pop up on the Ack button and select Create»Attribute Node. The
attribute node is created in the block diagram.
b. From the block diagram, pop up on the Attribute Node. Choose
Select Item»Disabled.
c. Create a new While Loop and move the Attribute Node inside it.
d. Pop up in the While Loop and drop the Security Monitor VI from
the Functions»System»Security palette.