Bridge User Manual

BridgeVIEW User Manual I-8 © National Instruments Corporation
Get Alarm Summary Status VI, A-6
Get Analog Tag Alarm Limit VI, A-72
Get Bit Array Tag Alarm Setting VI, A-73
Get Discrete Tag Alarm Setting VI, A-74
Get Engine Status VI, A-41
Get Group List VI, A-75
Get Historical Tag List, A-23
Get Historical Tag List VI
example, 6-4
purpose and use, A-23
Get Historical Trend Info VI, A-24
Get Operator Name VI, A-48
Get Tag Alarm Enabled VI, A-76
Get Tag Attribute VI, A-77
Get Tag Bad Status Alarm Info VI, A-78
Get Tag Description Group VI, A-79
Get Tag IO Connection Info VI, A-80
Get Tag List VI, A-81
Get Tag Logging Info VI, A-82
Get Tag Range and Units VI, A-83
Get Tag Status Info VI, A-42
graphics, importing for front panel
activity, 4-13
overview, 4-13
graphs, 14-18
See also charts.
axes, 14-20
customizing, 14-18
data acquisition arrays, 14-20
graph and analysis VIs (activity), 14-20
graph cursors, 14-19
purpose and use, 1-5
types of graphs, 14-18
waveform graph
adding to array, 14-4
creating multiplot waveform
graphs, 14-6
Greater Or Equal To 0? function
Case structure, 12-3
VI Server, 15-6
Greater or Equal? function, 13-4
Hierarchy window, 9-12
buttons for options, 9-13
displaying dependencies, 9-13
illustration, 9-12
searching for visible nodes, 9-14
Highlight Execution button, 2-3
Hilite Execute button, 9-23
historical data logging and extraction
See also Historical Trend Viewer (HTV).
Citadel Historical Database, 6-1, B-1
configuring tags to log data or
events, 3-25
Historical Data VIs, 6-4
activity, 6-6
example, 6-4
list of VIs, 6-4
VI reference, A-17
logging, 6-2
configuring, 6-3
steps, 6-2
techniques for turning on and off, 6-2
overview, 1-7
setting file paths, 3-44
stopping and starting
programmatically, 7-8
trends, 6-1
turning on at startup, 3-44
Historical Data VIs, 6-4, A-17
activity, 6-6
Call HTV, A-18
Decimate Historical Trend, A-20
Decimate Historical Trends, A-21
example, 6-4
Get Historical Tag List, 6-4, A-23
Get Historical Trend Info, A-24
Historical Trend Statistics, A-25
Historical Trend Statistics VI, 6-7
Historical Trends to Spreadsheet, A-27