Bridge User Manual

Chapter 3 Tag Configuration
BridgeVIEW User Manual 3-16 © National Instruments Corporation
Table 3-3 provides descriptions of the operations that can be performed on
an I/O Group. For information about other opeations that can be performed
on an I/O Group, see Table 3-2.
Server Configuration Options
Use this group of fields to configure and select server resources. Some
or all fields in this group might not be used depending on the server
type. An IAK server has both Device and Communication Resource
configuration capabilities.
Table 3-3.
I/O Group Configuration Attributes
I/O Group Name Determines the name of the I/O Group you are configuring. I/O Group
names are not case sensitive and can include any combination of
printable characters (including spaces) with the exception of “/”
and “\”.
I/O Group Description Provides a description for the I/O Group.
I/O Group
Update Rate (secs)
Determines the rate for the server to update the item value in the
engine for all tags using the I/O Group. The server can have other
configuration options that determine the actual update rate. This is
the rate at which BridgeVIEW requests all tags configured with this
update rate be updated.
I/O Group Deadband
(% of range)
Determines the deadband for the server to update the item value in the
engine for all tags configured with the I/O Group. Use 0% if you do
not want the server to apply deadbands to the item.
Not all servers support deadbands, and some
might ignore this value.
Server Name Indicates the Server Name associated with the I/O Group you are
Communication Resource Provides a means to configure (create, edit, or delete) a
communication resource. This field is valid only for IAK servers.
Device Determines a specific device used by the I/O Group and Server for this
tag. If the associated server is an OPC Server, this attribute is not used.
Device Comm Resource Indicates the communication resource associated with the selected
device. This field is valid only for IAK servers.