NI-IMAQ for IEEE-1394 Cameras User Manual

Chapter 1 Introduction to NI-IMAQ for IEEE-1394 Cameras
© National Instruments Corporation 1-5 NI-IMAQ for IEEE-1394 Cameras User Manual
When compiling, indicate where the compiler can find the NI-IMAQ
header files and shared libraries. You can find most of the files you
need for development under the NI-IMAQ target installation directory.
If you choose the default directory during installation, the target
installation directory is
C:\Program Files\National
Instruments\NI-IMAQ for IEEE-1394
. You can find the include
files under the
subdirectory. The import libraries are located
under the
subdirectory for the following
Sample Programs
Please refer to the
file located in your target installation
directory for the latest details on NI-IMAQ for 1394 sample programs.
These programs are installed in the
subdirectory under the target
installation folder, if you elected to install the sample files.
Table 1-1.
Import Libraries
Development Environment Directory
Microsoft Visual C++
Borland C++