Use and Care Manual

Tips for success
Unpacking: Open and lift shipping box and other packaging up from the base to avoid damage
to the plant.
Watering: Sufficient watering is a must! Try not to let the soil completely dry out. To determine
if your plant needs water, press your finger 2 to 3 in. into the soil, if it feels dry, it’s time to
water. Overwatering can be as damaging as underwatering. Be sure the area surrounding your
plant has good drainage and avoid standing water
Maintenance: Upon arrival and throughout your plant’s life, remove wilted or discolored
foliage to encourage new growth. If weeds grow around your plant, pull them, including roots,
as soon as they appear.
Harvesting: Harvest vegetables after they have reached full maturity. Enjoy fresh-picked
produce or store as needed. Do not consume any other part of the plant. The plants should be
discarded after final harvest at the end of the season.
Containers: Some vegetables can be grown in containers, too. Choose a pot that is large
enough to allow for plant growth and spread, and be sure it has adequate drainage. Container
vegetables will require more frequent watering.
Vegetable support: Vining and climbing vegetables may require a support mechanism. Be sure
to read the plant label for staking, trellis or wire cage recommendations.